Treinta años después
This is a portrait series honouring first-generation members of the Chilean diaspora living in Toronto, 30 years after the U.S.-backed military coup that murdered democratically-elected socialist president Salvador Allende. The people of Chile experienced a dictatorship that committed massive human rights violations, disappeared thousands of Chileans, forced thousands more into exile, stole millions to enrich its friends, and for decades brought the country under fascist and neoliberal rule. The people in this series experienced multiple forms of violence. Still, they did not let these events determine their lives, for they resisted, survived, and created roots in Canada that form part of the Chilean-Canadian community.
Carol, Alfonso y Ardiss, Patricio y Luz, Betty y Eduardo, Julieta, Osvaldo y Leonor, Rosa Cruz y Humberto, Lucho é Inés, Herta y Patrick